Vlc Media Keyboard Shortcut
Some handy keyboard shortcuts are as follows :
VLC is a very versatile media player that can play anything you throw on it, but very so often you really won't be able to figure out the controls. if you didn't know, you can get a lot of things done on VLC Player just by using keyboard shortcuts.
Also see: How to Convert Videos using VLC
Here is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts (in the best possible order),
- a – Cycle source aspect ratio
- b - Cycle audio track
- c – Cycle video crop
- d - Cycle de-interlace modes
- e - Next frame
- f – Switch to full screen
- g – Subtitle delay down of -50ms
- h – Subtitle delay up of +50ms
- i - Show interface
- j - Audio delay down of -50ms
- k – Audio delay up of +50ms
- l - Normal/repeat/loop
- m – Mute/un-mute
- n – Play next media from the playlist
- o - Toggle auto scaling
- p – Play the Previous media in the playlist
- r - Random
- s – Stop playback
- t – Position
- V – Enable subtitles (if available)
- w - Toggle wallpaper mode in video output
- z – Zoom
- + – Play faster
- - – Play slower
- = - Normal rate
- ] - Play faster (fine)
- [ - Play slower (fine)
- Ctrl + g – Extend GUI
- Ctrl + m – Go to DVD Menu
- Ctrl + p – Playlist
- Ctrl + q - Quit
- Ctrl + r – Record
- Ctrl + Arrow Up - Increase volume
- Ctrl + Arrow Down – Decrease the volume
- Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow – Forward or Rewind the video
- Ctrl + Left - Medium backwards jump
- Ctrl + Right - Medium forward jump
- Ctrl + Alt + Left - Long backwards jump
- Ctrl + Alt + Right - Long forward jump
- Ctrl + Alt + m - Do not display OSD menu on video output
- Ctrl + 1 - 1:4 Quarter screen size
- Ctrl + 2 - 1:2 Half screen size
- Ctrl + 3 - 1:1 Original screen size
- Ctrl + 4 - 2:1 Double screen size
- Ctrl + F1 - Set playlist bookmark 1
- Ctrl + F2 - Set playlist bookmark 2
- Ctrl + F3 - Set playlist bookmark 3
- Ctrl + F4 - Set playlist bookmark 4
- Ctrl + F5 - Set playlist bookmark 5
- Ctrl + F6 - Set playlist bookmark 6
- Ctrl + F7 - Set playlist bookmark 7
- Ctrl + F8 - Set playlist bookmark 8
- Ctrl + F9 - Set playlist bookmark 9
- Ctrl + F10 - Set playlist bookmark 10
- Shift + Left - Very short backwards jump
- Shift + Right - Very short forward jump
- Shift + b - Select next DVD title
- Shift + d - Dump
- Shift + g - Go back in browsing history
- Shift + h - Go forward in browsing history
- Shift + i - Show interface
- Shift + m - Go to DVD menu
- Shift + n - Select next DVD chapter
- Shift + o - Select previous DVD title
- Shift + p - Select previous DVD chapter
- Shift + r - Record
- Shift + s - Take video snapshot
- Alt + o - Increase scale factor
- Alt + Shift + o - Decrease scale factor
- Alt + Left - Short backwards jump
- Alt + Right - Short forward jump
- Enter - Activate
- Esc - Leave fullscreen
- Shift + z - Un-zoom
- Space - Play/Pause
- Arrow Up - Navigate up
- Arrow Down - Navigate down
- Arrow Left - Navigate left
- Arrow Right - Navigate right
- Alt + c - Crop one pixel from bottom of video
- Alt + d - Crop one pixel from left of video
- Alt + f - Crop one pixel from right of video
- Alt + r - Crop one pixel from top of video
- Alt + Shift + c - Uncrop one pixel from bottom of video
- Alt + Shift + d - Uncrop one pixel from left of video
- Alt + Shift + f - Uncrop one pixel from right of video
- Alt + Shift + r - Uncrop one pixel from top of video
- Alt + Shift + Arrow Right - Highlight widget on the right
- Alt + Shift + Arrow Left - Highlight widget on the left
- Alt + Shift + Arrow Up - Highlight widget on top
- Alt + Shift + Arrow Down - Highlight widget below
- Alt + Shift + Enter - Select current widget
- F1 - Play playlist bookmark 1
- F2 - Play playlist bookmark 2
- F3 - Play playlist bookmark 3
- F4 - Play playlist bookmark 4
- F5 - Play playlist bookmark 5
- F6 - Play playlist bookmark 6
- F7 - Play playlist bookmark 7
- F8 - Play playlist bookmark 8
- F9 - Play playlist bookmark 9
- F10 - Play playlist bookmark 10
VLC Media Player for Mac users can find most of the keyboard shortcuts by taking a look at the menus. Additional hotkeys are defined in the section “Hotkeys” of your VLC preferences.
- Press the spacebar to start/pause the video.
- When playing video, holding down the Apple key and pressing the F key enters and exits full screen. When in ful lscreen you can also use the escape key to exit the full screen state.
- When playing video, holding the Apple and Shift keys and pressing the left/right arrow keys, jumps the video backward/forward about a minute.
- When playing video, holding the Apple and Ctrlkey and pressing the left/right arrow keys, jumps the video backward/forward about ten seconds.
- When you are watching a DVD and the video window is the front-most window you can use the arrow keys and the enter key to navigate the DVD menus.
- F – Decrease Audio Delay in milliseconds
- G – Increase Audio Delay in milliseconds
- H – Decrease Subtitle Delay
- J – Increase Subtitle Delay